Parent and Carer Term 2 eNewsletter
Term 2 Information & Reminders
2022 School Stragetic Focus
2023 Enrolments
Parent & Carer Survey Term 1
Uniform (Cooler Months)
Paying School Fees - BPoint
Early Collection of Students
Extra-curricular Opportunities (External)
Report Cards
Uniform Shop
Mother's Day Stall
P & C Meetings
School Disco
Athletics Day
PJ Day
Kookaburra Cafe
Term 2 Information & Reminders
Dear Parents and Carers,
A warm welcome back for Term 2! We sincerely hope that you and your family have had a good start to the term.
We started the year off with 160 students and we are now on 172 students. A very special welcome to all of the students and families who have joined us this term.
The purpose of this eNewsletter is to provide parents and carers information and reminders about the term ahead. If you require any further information or clarification please reach out to a member of the team and they will assist you with your inquiry. Alternatively, you can view our website at for further information.
Yours in education
Nirimba State Primary School Team
2022 School Stragetic Focus
Our strategic plan for 2022 focuses on:
- Curriculum (What we Teach)
- Pedagogy (How we Teach)
- Engagement and Culture (Connecting with Community)
2023 Enrolments
We are receiving a number of inquires for enrolment in 2023. We are currently in the process of updating and our documentation and enrolment packs. We anticipate that we will be able to start accepting 2023 enrolments towards the end of May.
As we did last year, we will have enrolment packs available for collection at the school and the local Kindergartens. The current enrolment packs will continue to be used until the new enrolment packs are ready.
Parent & Carer Survey Term 1
Thank you to parents and carers who were able to complete the survey for us. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as it helps us to refine and improve our services. The responses have provided an opportnity for us as a team to reflect and I will take this opportunity to provide some feedback on the results:
- 96.7% of parents and carers who responded were satisfied or extremely satisfied with the enrolment process.
- We recieved 4.7/5 stars for communication. We also acknowledge the feedback on the volume of communication.
- 100% of parents and carers indicated that their child enjoyed being at Nirimba SPS, responses ranged from 'somewhat agree at 6.5%', 'Agree at 19.4' and 'Strongly Agree at 74.2%'. We were very pleased to see this trend.
- 100% of parents and carers agreed that they would recommend Nirimba SPS to others. With 77.4% strongly agreeing with the statement.
- We recieved 7.6/10 stars in response to the following question: 'Are you satisfied with the current extra-curricula opportunities being offered by the school?' We are on our way to addressing this which is highlighted in the next section of this publication.
General feedback provided by parents and carers:
"I would love to see a playgroup at school eventually." Response: We agree. A playgroup has always been our intention and we hope to provide this in the near future.
"Could it be possible to purchase school hats via 'Munch Monitor'?" We are aware that another local school utilises this system. We would have to negotiate with our unifrom supplier how this would work and discuss at a P&C meeting. The uniform shop is a separate business to the school.
"Clearer expectations on before and after school procedures." We are looking at reviewing this. The current before and after school procedures are published in the Parent and Carer handbook and is also available on our website under the policies section.
"I believe the morning entry into prep classes needs to be refined." We 100% agree with this statement. We have also raised this issue with the department and looking at solutions.
Thank you again to everyone for your feedback and suggestions it is greatly appreciated. Please note this was only some of the feedback that was received a more detailed response will be provided at the upcoming P&C meeting.
Uniform (Cooler Months)
There are some great examples of students wearing dark navy-blue jumpers and leggings and these are acceptable under our uniform policy. Unfortunately, we are starting to see colourful, as well as light and dark blue variations of jumpers and hoodies on students and these are not acceptable uniform variations. If you choose not to puchase the official school jumpers and jackets that is fine but please ensure that anything that is purchased from a department store is dark navy-blue only.
Please could all parents and carers familiarise yourself with the school's uniform policy. It can be found at the back of the Parent and Carer handbook or on our website at:
Paying School Fees - BPoint
Parents and carers are reminded that when paying invoices through the Bpoint link at the bottom of your invoice, only one invoice can be paid at a time.
The link is specific to the invoice number on each individual invoice that is generated. An error is created on the student’s account when multiple invoices are paid through the same link.
Early Collection of Students
From time-to-time we understand that you may collect your child early from school for appointments or travelling away over the weekend. Please ensure you are are presenting at the school office to sign your child out. The office staff will then call for your child to be sent to the office to be collected by you.
Please do not go to classrooms to collect your child. This is disruptive to teaching and learning in classrooms for all students and the teacher.
Extra-curricular Opportunities (External)
There are a few exciting opportunities that are commencing this term with more being negotiated. Hopefully by the end of this term we will have all of the following opportunities in place and a regular occurance at the school:
- Tennis Coaching (Information coming soon)
- Basketball Coaching (Information coming soon)
- Brazillian Skills Soccer - Try Out Day: Monday 9th of May
- Dance Energy (Dance) - Taking enrolments
- Chony's Art School (Visual Art) - Taking enrolments
We will continue to look for opportunities where we can collaborate with external agencies and individuals to provide your child extra opportunities outside school hours.
Report Cards
At the end of this semester your child will recieve a report card that will reflect their progress this year so far. These will be emailed out to parents in the last week of the term.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open every Monday and Thursday from 8:00am - 10:30am.
Mother's Day Stall
The P&C committee has done an amazing job organising this year's Mother's Day stall. The stall will be open on the 3rd and 4th of May (next week) and will be set up in the room next to the Kookaburra Cafe.
P & C Meetings
P&C Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month, except when there are public holidays. This term there are two P&C meetings:
- Monday the 9th of May
- Monday the 6th of June
All exisiting parents and carers or any new families are kindly invited to attend and participate in the decision -making process for the school.
Please email the P&C committee with any questions or inquiries at:
School Disco
Our first school Disco is happening on Friday the 17th of June. Thank you to the P&C for organising this event.
Athletics Day
Our next whole-school event is Athletics Day which will be held on Monday the 20th of June. There will be fun events for our junior students and some competitive events for our older students.
PJ Day
The last whole-school event will be PJ Day on Thursday the 23rd of June. Students will be able to come dressed in their favourite pyjamas on this day.